About the Board

The primary mission of the Finney Library Board is to be vocal and energetic advocates for the essential services that the Finney Public Library provides to our community and to give sound and timely advice and counsel to the Library Director and LS&S on the development of plans, policies and programs that are responsive to community needs and desires. The six members of the Board are appointed by the County Commissioner. The Board elects a President, Vice-president, Treasurer, and Secretary annually.


Areas of Focus

  • Reviewing and approving policies and fees recommended by library staff.
  • Recommending long-range plans regarding facilities, staff, and programs.
  • Evaluating community desires and needs for library services.
  • Reviewing customer concerns and suggestions.
  • Generating public support and participation in library programs.
  • Determining expenditures of library trust funds.



The Board meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 5:00 p.m.


Board Members

Chairperson: Paula Kimbrel

Vice-Chairperson: Marsha Rupp

Treasurer: Marsha Wright

Secretary: Jay Cook

Board Member: Matias Gonzalez-Flores

Ex-Officio: Dave Jones

Board Meeting Minutes

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